Victor Camargo

Frontend Developer

My two cents about me

Victor Camargo at the top of Caratuva Hill, on Antonina, Paraná, Brazil.

Victor Camargo at the top of Caratuva Hill, on Antonina, Paraná, Brazil.

I'm Victor Camargo, a frontend developer and mobile developer based on Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. I'm currently working at Gigawrks and pursuing an Applied Artificial Intelligence graduation.

I'm a linguaphile, cultural explorer, and bad hiker - since I'm quite inactive now. I'm passionate about discovering more about countries, places, and cultures usually not mentioned on mainstream sources.

I'm a fan of city builders, simulators, and RTS games such as Caesar III, Empire Earth, C-evo, Warlords Battlecry III, and Rollercoaster Tycoon since I was a child.

Contact me in case you want to have an independent, interested, and genuine developer. I'm sure you'll like me - or something.


Frontend Developer

June 2023 - Present

Frontend Developer

November 2022 - August 2023


Programming Languages
Markup & Styling


Want to talk about any topic seen on this website? Let's get in touch!